From Cobb Blog/Forums
"Beta testing is now underway in a few locations though out the world for the 2008-2009 GT-R AccessPORT. As of right now the 2008-2009 GT-R AccessPORT only supports the JDM model but it will support US and other world models as they are released, and we get our hands on them"
"As for the Mapping that is being tested our maps with follow the same generally rules as with most our other AccessPORT supported vehicles. The setup for the maps will more then likely change as we rap up our beta testing but here is general break down of the tunes that we are currently working on.
Stock Style tune: This will be stock a stock tune with the only change being that the speed limiter will be removed.
Stage1 = Stock vehicles and or stock vehicles with a cat-back exhaust system.
Stage2 = Vehicles with high follow cats or test pipes.
US based ECU tunes.
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