
    Edmunds Inside Line : How Fast Is The GT-R Without Launch Control?

    Edmunds Inside Line has tested an R35 GT-R with and without launch Control.

    There's been a lot of speculation on the performance, but we have data loggers and test drivers and a closed test facility, we don't need to speculate. Last week we put our 2009 Nissan GT-R back on the starting line, this time without launch control. Follow the jump for the numbers.

    0-30: 1.61
    0-45: 2.64
    0-60 (with 1 foot of rollout like on a dragstrip): 3.53
    0-60: 3.83
    0-75: 5.29
    1/4 mile @ mph: 11.77 @ 118.63

    Without LC:
    0-30: 2.3
    0-45: 3.2
    0-60 (with 1 foot of rollout like on a dragstrip): 4.0
    0-60: 4.3
    0-75: 5.8
    1/4 mile @ mph: 12.3 @ 118.5

    Comments: "After trying every combination of suspension settings, shift protocol, automatic and manual shift, and traction control, I tried a completely default run (Normal: shift, suspension, trac) and it effectively tied my all-R / Manual shifted run. Big bog out of the hole, but then it goes like stink."

    The Blue line represents the GT-R w/ launch control, the red line is w/o.

    There you have it. 4.3 instead of 3.83.

    Let the GT-R bashing begin!

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      Item Reviewed: Edmunds Inside Line : How Fast Is The GT-R Without Launch Control? Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Sean Morris