A poster on My350Z forums, that works at a dealership, had a Nissan GT-R stolen before it even arrived to the dealership.Stolen off the transport truck. The car was joy ridded for 600 miles before it was recovered. Supposedly they poured sugar in the gas tank, and generally just "drove it like they stole it. Pretty sad. Hope the guy that stole it got caught, and is now spending time in prison with his new "boyfriend".
The car was supposedly picked up by the insurance company last week. Hopefully it will go to a good cause , like a dedicated track car.
Not sure whats going on there And the badge gone. Why do they have to steal the badge. They can get them at Pep Boys for $5.
thats a fu**ing shame that some asshole would steal a gtr,especially a brand new one
sad that any one steals cars. ghetto.
Stolen off a transport truck...how?
Sound like something you see in Fast & The Furious...
Wow ROFL! thats crazy. good post.
The "holy GT-R" stolen? Its a rape!
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