Switzer Performance Nissan GT-R Runs 9.42 on Pump Gas

Pump gas can mean a few different things to people. Just because it comes out of a pump, does not a pump gas make. We all know a couple local places that have 100 octane out of the pump, that really isn't pump gas. In this case, Switzer Performance from Oberlin, Ohio uses 93 RON octane pump gas(available everywhere 93 is sold), and throws down an impressive number. 9.42@153 mph. Along with the huge pump gas number, another R1K-X ran a 8.99@165 mph.  Eight second streetable cars are hard to imagine, but Switzer is delivering. Head over to their blog post for more pictures and information on the R1K-X.

Fast enough to bring home a new 93 octane (98 RON) quarter-mile GTR record of 9.42 seconds at 153.30 mph – that’s how fast!
In addition to that 9.42 second GTR record, a second Switzer R1K-X GTR ran a positively blistering 8.99 second pass at 165.54 mph on race gas a few minutes later, earning its place in the growing “8 second club“.
Source: Switzer Blog

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Item Reviewed: Switzer Performance Nissan GT-R Runs 9.42 on Pump Gas Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Sean Morris